Versiti employees and family members will be able to access our EAP+Work/Life services for short-term counseling and support for a range of personal, family, financial and work/life issues as part of our employee Wellbeing Program. 

Services included in Perspectives EAP are:

  • Mental and Emotional Health Manage stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, improve relationships and any personal issues. Scheduled Counseling and in-the-moment support (in-person, video counseling or Telephonic)
  • Tools for Tough Times- Help with issues such as stress, depression, substance abuse and more
  • Caring for Others- Services and resources to navigate family dynamics including child care, adoption, special needs, eldercare, housing, transportation, and more.
  • Financial and Legal- Advice and tools to help with money matters and legal education
  • Work-Life Resources- Access to skill-building courses, articles, videos and more.  Reach personal and professional goals, manage life transitions, achieve greater balance.
  • Personal Assistant Save time with referrals for travel, professional service, managing everyday tasks
  • Medical Advocacy Help navigating insurance, obtaining referrals, planning transitional care, and more

Perspectives EAP Benefits Flier

Perspectives Portal Flier

EAP - Upcoming Webinars

Member Orientation Video

Ways to Contact Perspectives EAP


QR Code Flyer - Perspectives