Injury at Work

Versiti ensures that workers’ compensation benefits are provided to all employees who experience an injury or illness during the course and scope of their employment with the Company in accordance with applicable state law. Versiti’s objective is to ensure employees are provided with first-aid, medical treatment, leave of absence and Return to Work opportunities, as required, to support prompt employee recovery. Depending on the nature of the employee’s work-related injury or illness, workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits for medical care, temporary or permanent disability, vocational rehabilitation, and death. Versiti’s third-party workers’ compensation insurance carriers administer these benefits, and applicable state law governs employees’ entitlement to these benefits.

Please visit the Versiti Beacon> Safety for comprehensive information and additional resources.

Ohio employees should follow the local process. Please reach out to your leader and local EHS contact for additional information.

OSHA Safety Poster


All accidents, injuries and near misses that occur while at work, no matter how small or insignificant must be reported immediately to your supervisor.  All accidents, near misses or safety action items need to be reported in the VelocityEHS system no later than 24 hours upon recognition or notification of the event.   If an injured employee is physically unable to report the injury, the supervisor is required to initiate the first report through VelocityEHS. If an employee is seeking medical attention beyond first aid for a work related injury, the state EHS specialist must be notified by the end of the shift. 

Reporting an Accident in Velocity EHS.

Employee Responsibilities after reporting an injury:

  • Please verify that your contact information in Dayforce is correct.
    • Your case manager at Liberty Mutual will be contacting you soon.
  • Please contact your healthcare providers and give them your claim information, once available, for billing purposes. It is important that they have this claim information, so they do not attempt to bill you directly.
  • If you will be absent for follow up appointments, please discuss scheduling with your manager.
  • If you will be absent for more than 3 days, you must apply for a leave of absence with MetLife within the first 3 days of your absence.  You can do this by calling 1-833-771-1432.
  • If your health care provider has given you work restrictions, please discuss available tasks with your supervisor prior to coming to work. 
  • Provide the return-to-work medical release immediately to SAFETY and your supervisor
  • Discuss possible restricted duty assignments with your supervisor, as needed
  • Participate in restricted duty, modified work, or assigned tasks, as part of the restricted duty
  • Participate in follow-up conversations and medical reviews, as needed, to determine progress in the condition and effectiveness of the assignments
  • Injured Employees should remain in regular contact with their case manager to provide updates