Versiti recognizes the importance of overall employee well-being and is pleased to offer a competitive, comprehensive benefits package. We recognize the value each and every one of our employees contributes to Versiti’s mission either directly or indirectly serving our donors and patients.  That is why it is important for Versiti to continue offering a comprehensive benefits package that supports your best physical well-being as well as emotional, community and financial well-being.


This app provides details regarding our 2024 benefit plan offerings including coverage levels and costs for employee premiums. You’ll learn more about additional benefits available to you as a Versiti employee including health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, income protection, retirement benefits and our employee assistance program.


The information contained in the app provides a summary of the benefits offered under the Versiti plan.  For more detailed information of benefits provided, eligibility provisions, limitations and exclusions under each benefit plan, please refer to the summary plan description for each benefit.  In case of any conflict between this guide and an official plan document, the plan document will be the final authority. Versiti reserves the right to terminate, modify or amend the plans at any time.

All full-time employees regularly scheduled to work 30 or more hours a week are eligible for the following benefits:

Health Insurance

Dental Insurance

Vision Insurance

Group & Supplemental Life Insurance

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Voluntary Income Protection

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Short Term Disability (STD)

Long Term Disability (LTD)

Holiday Pay and Paid Time Off

Retirement Benefits


All part-time employees regularly scheduled to work 20-29 hours a week are eligible for the following benefits:

Health Insurance

Dental Insurance

Vision Insurance

Group & Supplemental Life Insurance

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Voluntary Income Protection

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Holiday Pay and Paid Time Off

Retirement Benefits


Eligible dependents may also participate if they meet the following criteria:

Your legally married spouse;

Child(ren) who are under age 26, including a natural child, stepchild, a legally adopted child, a child placed for adoption or a child for whom you are the legal guardian;

An unmarried child age 26 or older who is or becomes disabled and dependent upon you;

A child for whom health care coverage is required through a Qualified Medical Child Support Order or other court or administrative order.

Your benefits are effective the first of the month following your hire date.


Employees must enroll in benefits within 31 days of their hire date.  If an employee does not enroll during their 31 day new hire window, he or she must wait until the following open enrollment period  to enroll in benefits for the following year or wait until they have a qualifying life event.


New Hires – Please log onto DayForce within 31 days of your date of hire to complete your enrollment.

Choose your benefits carefully. Due to IRS regulations, once you have made your 2023 elections, you cannot change your benefits until the next annual enrollment period unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event:


Marriage, divorce or legal separation

Gain of a child due to birth or adoption

Child requires a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)

You become newly eligible for benefits due to a change in your employment status

Loss of a dependent (death)

Covered person has become entitled to (or lost entitlement to) Medicare or Medicaid

Loss of coverage under another plan

Gained coverage under another plan


If one of these events occurs, please log into DayForce and submit a Life Event Declaration form within 30 days of the qualifying event. If you miss the 30-day window, you must wait until the next open enrollment period or a new qualifying event to occur in order to make changes to your benefits.

How to Enroll

Log in to DayForce

Click on the Benefit Icon

Select New Hire Enrollment


Provide Your Household Information

Provide your dependent’s information

      • You must add your dependents that you wish to cover under your benefits first before electing your benefit plans

Provide your beneficiaries for life insurance


Make Your 2024 Benefits Elections

Enroll or waive in all benefit options (medical, dental, vision, life, HSA, FSA, etc.)

Confirm the level of coverage you would like

Deadline to enroll – You have 31 days from your date of hire to enroll in benefits


Finalize Your Enrollment

Review your 2024 elections

Confirm ALL information is accurate

Click “Submit Enrollment”


Print your 2024 benefit confirmation statement for your record


Confirm Your Contact Information

Click on the “Forms” Icon

Under “Personal”, confirm your address, phone number, and email address are current



Contact or 414-937-6300 for assistance

ALEX is an online tool that helps you select the best benefit plans for you and your family. When you talk to ALEX, you’ll be asked a few questions about your health care needs. ALEX will crunch some numbers and point out what makes the most sense for you. ALEX takes the amount each plan would cost you out of your paycheck (your premium) and adds that to the amount it would cost for the services you said you might use. Then it will recommend the least expensive plan for your needs.


Most users spend about 7 minutes with ALEX, but it really just depends how much guidance you’d like. And, if you set up an ALEX ID, ALEX can even save your place, so you can leave and always come back and pick up right where you left off. Your ALEX experience is totally private and secure. Anything you tell ALEX remains between the two of you.


To watch a New Hire video exploring our benefits for this year, please click this link:


To access ALEX, go to or scan the QR Code below