Medical insurance is designed to help cover treatment due to an accident or illness.  Just as important is protecting your income if you are absent from work for either a short or extended period of time.


We want to help our employees think differently about financial well-being and are pleased to offer enhancements to the disability programs and provide supplemental benefits for out-ot-pocket medical expenses.

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital Indemnity Insurance pays a daily benefit if you have a covered stay in a hospital, critical care unit or rehabilitation.  This payment is sent directly to you to help pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance or use for any purpose you like.

Spouse and Children election options are available

Guarantee issue (no medical questions)

Employees and Spouses can each receive $100 for completing a wellness exam or health screening

Versiti, Inc. Hospital Indemnity Benefit Highlight Sheet

Hartford - Versiti 2024 Hospital Indemnity Certificate

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance pays you a benefit for specific injuries and events resulting from a covered accidents that does not occur at work.  The benefit amount will vary depending on the type of injury and care received.  For example, if you receive an x-ray related to accident care, you will be reimbursed $40.  Likewise, if you experience a fracture there would be a reimbursement starting at $1,500.  This payment is sent directly to you to help pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance or use for any purpose you like.

Spouse and Children election options are available

 Guarantee issue (no medical questions)

Employees and Spouses can each receive $50 for completing a wellness exam or health screening


Versiti, Inc. Accident Benefit Highlight Sheet

Hartford - Versiti 2024 Accident Endorsement

Hartford - Versiti 2024 Accident Certificate

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical Illness Insurance pays a lump-sum benefit if you are diagnosed with a covered illness or condition on or after your effective date.  Conditions include heart attack, cancer, stroke, major organ transplant, occupational HIV, Hepatitis B or C.  Cost of coverage is determined by age and your election amount (between $10,000 – $30,000 for employees and $5,00 – $15,000 for spouse and children).

Spouse and Children election options are available

Guarantee issue (no medical questions) if you enroll when first eligible

Employees and Spouses can each receive $50 for completing a wellness exam or health screening

Versiti, Inc Critical Illness Benefit Highlight Sheet

Hartford - Versiti 2024 Critical Illness Certificate



CI/Accident/Hospital Indemnity Claims: 866-547-4205


Submitting an Accident/CI/HI Claim